Mix Jacky Wednesday

Ahrg! The meters of the virtual tape machine still move a tiny bit. Ok, let’s make it even louder! Mixing for @jackywednesday #jackywednesday #waves #j37 #musicproduction #studio #hillroadrecords #mixing #producer #studiolife

Mooi Wark & TikTok Tammo

Biet’n!! Binnenkort maar eens even een plaatje maken met Mooi Wark & TikTok Tammo ! https://buff.ly/3asOGHm #Bietn #hillroadrecords #musicproduction #studio #recordingstudio #music #producer #producerlife @tiktok.tammoBinnenkort nieuw lied #bietn ♬ origineel geluid – Tammo

Guitar parst villabeats & iamkaplu

Played some guitar parts for @villabeats on @iamkaplu s track. Fender tele on a Fender twin reverb. Little bit of Echoplex booster. Recorded with a Royer and 57. #hillroadrecords #musicproduction #studio #fender #fenderamp #fendertwinreverb #guitar #guitarist #guitaramps #guitarsound #amplification #recordingstudio #music #producer #producerlife

New vintage bassman (1972)

Just bought an (old/vintage) Fender Bassman (1972) amp and Fender cab with 2×15” JBL speakers. And added to Hillroad Records Backline! Thick and warm! #hillroadrecords #musicproduction #studio #fenderamps #fenderbassman100 #fenderjblspeaker #guitaramp #bassamp #basssound #recordingstudio #music #producer #producerlife

New guitar room

During the first Covid-19 lockdown the Hillroad Records Amp Room was built. A room that might get loud 😎! A great room to get clean recordings of guitar amps without crosstalk from drums! 📸 @studiovhf #hillroadrecords #musicproduction #studio #ludwigdrums #voxAC30 #voxamp #fender #fenderamp #fendertwinreverb #fenderbassman #marshallamps #orangeampsuk #orangeamps #guitar #guitarist #guitaramps #guitarsound #amplification #recordingstudio #music…

New vintage Vox

New (old/vintage) JMI VoxAC50 (1967) amp and Vox Foundation cab with 18” speaker added to Hillroad Records Backline! What a sound! Bass and guitar! #hillroadrecords #musicproduction #studio #voxamps #voxac50jmi #voxfoundation #amplification #guitar #guitarist #guitaramps #bassamp #guitarsound #amplification #recordingstudio #music #producer #producerlife

Guitar nerd meeting

Fender amp night🔥! With nerds Jan Broeze Harald de Ruiter Michiel Jansen Tim Schipper Bart Kemper #fenderdeluxereverb #fenderprincetonreverb #fendertwinreverb #fenderbandmaster #fenderbassman #downbrownie #fenderguitars #lensenguitars #eastmanguitars

Contol room pictures 2021

Brand new pictures of the Control Room at Hillroad Records! 📸 by @studiovhf #hillroadrecords #musicproduction #studio #audient #neumannkh420 #adamaudio #avantone #focusrite #RME #behringer #tceletronics #rtwaudiometer #elysia #tlaudio #joemeek #digidisign #avid #protools #lensenguitars #gibsonguitars #fender #fenderamp #Orangeamps #guitar #guitarliferist #guitaramps #guitarsound #amplification #recordingstudio #music #producer #producerlife


Vox knows a thing or two about what is beautiful. And I’m talking about their amps. Thanks for sharing VOX amps USA ! Wow! #hillroadrecords #musicproduction #studio#ludwigdrums #ampegamps #voxAC30#voxamp #fender #fenderamp#fendertwinreverb #guitar #guitarist#guitaramps #guitarsound #amplification#recordingstudio #music #producer#producerlife

Brand new pictures of the Live Room

Brand new pictures of the Live Room at Hillroad Records! by @STUDIOVHF #hillroadrecords #musicproduction #studio #ludwigdrums #coles4038 #neumannmicrophones #audixmicrophones #neve #sennheisermicrophones #ampegamps #voxAC30 #voxamp #fender #fenderamp #fendertwinreverb #guitar #guitarist #guitaramps #guitarsound #amplification #recordingstudio #music #producer #producerlife

Stereo!! amps

Stereo!! Left Vox AC30 handwired, Right Fender Twin Reverb. Phone audio, but what a sound! Stereo for the fun fun fun. #hillroadrecords #musicproduction #studio #voxAC30 #voxamp #fender #fenderamp #fendertwinreverb #guitar #guitarist #guitaramps #guitarsound #amplification #recordingstudio #music #producer #producerlife

Fender 65′ Twin Reverb

Fender 65 Twin Reverb added to Hillroad Records Backline!! King of clean tone and great pedal platform! #hillroadrecords #musicproduction #studio #fender #fenderamp #fendertwinreverb #amplification #guitar #guitarist #guitaramps #guitarsound #amplification #recordingstudio #music #producer #producerlife

Christel Ruiter – What do I have to tell

Release Alert 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 – 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 Song, Lyrics & Keys: Christel Ruiter Recording, Mixing, Mastering: Hillroad RecordsGuitar: Ruud Tijs Drums: Seb van Dijk Bas: Bart Hamelink https://open.spotify.com/track/0XRBLD9W19OKjC5qu2LNkQ

360 Sessions

🎥‼️“Fijne werksfeer, goed geluid en onwijs tof concept! Gegarandeerd goede content voor je fans. Aanrader!”‼️📢 – Patrick Mogge, Close to Fire Producers Ruud Tijs, Daan Nieboer en cinematograaf Eric Zwiers bundelen hun krachten.360 Sessions geeft bands en artiesten de mogelijkheid interactieve live videos te maken van hun eigen muziek. Een interactieve live video waar je…

Vox AC30

Happy new gear!🎉 Vox AC30 Hand Wired and V212 HW added in the studio. VOX Amplification UK #hillroadrecords #musicproduction #studio #voxamps #ac30 #handwired #amplification #guitar #guitarist #guitaramps #guitarsound #amplification #recordingstudio #music #producer #producerlife


Ah! Now i understand why it sounds like a rocket laucher! The X Clip/AxeMount Royer Labs #axemount #royerlabs #sm57 #micclip #ribbonmic #hillroadrecords #guitar #guitarsound #musicproduction #recordingstudio #netherlands #marshall #amplification #producer #producerlife

Recording klaplong

Klaplong Recording 😎 @ Hillroad Records with Daan Nieboer #musicproduction #klaplong #cornerstoneaudio #hillroadrecords #studio#recordingstudio #recording #recordingengineer #audioengineer#audioengineering #instrument #instruments #amplification #music#musician #studiolife #producer #producerlife

New Release Alert

New release alert🚨: Apollo De Novo – Streets of Aaru . With a boost of brass from Koen Ross & IHAKA! Recorded and mixed Hillroad Records#musicproduction #apollodenovo #hillroadrecords #instrument#instruments #amplification #studio #recordingstudio #music #musician#audioengineer #audioengineering #mastering #mixingandmastering#recording #recordingengineer #mixing #mixingengineer #studiolife#producer #guitar #producerlife https://open.spotify.com/track/4bXAYs3KPbzlcMevH3VIED