Recording Rock Tracks for Millstöne
Just finished recording two fat rock tracks for Millstöne ! These songs are going to blow you away. Can’t wait for you to hear them! 🤘🔥
Just finished recording two fat rock tracks for Millstöne ! These songs are going to blow you away. Can’t wait for you to hear them! 🤘🔥
Release Alert! Annemarie – Take Him Over Loving the driving drum sound in this one! It really pushes the rhythm beautifully, especially in the verses! Keys: Raymond Goudbeek Electric Guitar: Marc Dekker Acoustic Guitar: Ian Baker Bass: Robin Buenk Drums: Marco Mepschen Vocals & shimmering vocal delays: Annemarie van den Berg… #musicproduction #producerlife #recordingstudio…
Just finished up a recording week with the 🪶Poelepetaten🪶! Recorded 12 great tracks, fueled by creativity, good vibes, and a lot of fun along the way 😄👍🏻 📖🐛#musicproduction #prod
The recording marathon with the🪶Poelepetaten🪶 is in full swing! The groove is alive, the boogie is strong, just a few more days of studio fire ahead. Let’s keep that energy flowing! 💪🏻😎 #musicproduction #producerlife #recordingstudio #hillroadrecords #studiolife
Just finished the first 2 days of recording with the Poelepetaten. Next week more recording madness with these guys! Love it! #musicproduction #producerlife #recordingstudio #hillroadrecords #studiolife
Biet’n!! Binnenkort maar eens even een plaatje maken met Mooi Wark & TikTok Tammo ! #Bietn #hillroadrecords #musicproduction #studio #recordingstudio #music #producer #producerlife @tiktok.tammoBinnenkort nieuw lied #bietn ♬ origineel geluid – Tammo
360 foto van de updated live room at Hillroad Records. En tadaaa! Zie hier de houtblokjes wand rond het raam. Wat een werk! Wat een vet resultaat! Niet alleen de looks maar ook qua klank. #happyproducer #hillroadrecords#musicproduction #liveroom #recordingroom #ludwigdrums #woodenwall
Sonnox toegevoegd aan de Hillroad pluggin familie. Bijna 200 pluggins aanwezig at Hillroad Records op dit moment! #Oxforddynamics#OxfordEQ #OxfordInflator #OxfordLimiter#Frauenhoferprocodec